Today’s Mantra: It’s not a competition. It’s not a race. It’s not the end of the world.
When you’re still working up to the basics, it can be frustrating to not be a superstar right out of the gate. While some people are naturally talented in some areas, others need to work harder to get there: and it takes time. Where you start is where you start: the only way to get better at something is to work with what YOU have.
When it comes to fitness (and life), there’s no need to compare. You are your own person, on your own journey, and enjoying your own unique experience. When you feel ‘less than’ remember that energy spent comparing yourself to others is energy taken away from being the best bad ass you can be. :)
When your focus shifts to other people and their own lives, look in the mirror and re-focus. Your only priority and only obligation it to yourself. Investing in you is the best way to get the best out of YOUR life.
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