How to stay motivated!
Do you often find yourself motivated for a couple of days and then you can’t seem to find the urge to get out of bed…let alone eat healthy or workout? It’s almost as if the fire that was lit inside of you has fizzled out and turned into a huge cloud of black smoke. Here are some ways to take that match, light the fire, and keep the eternal flame.
1.) Write it out and keep it visible! Make a stop and start list with your ULTIMATE GOAL as the title. Below your goal, write a list following a format similar to this, “STOP __________ and START __________.” Check off anything you have fully accomplished.
For example, if your ultimate goal is to lose weight, your list should look something like this:
ULTIMATE GOAL: Lose weight!
-STOP drinking pop and START drinking water.
-STOP sitting around and START walking.
-STOP eating white bread and START eating whole grains.
This will give you a visual perspective of your goal(s), the opportunity to assess your current habits, and allow you to break up the big picture into small puzzle pieces.
2.) A blast from the past! Have you made attempts in the past to reach a certain dream that you still desire? If so, think back to everything you did and where you may have went wrong. What happened? What made you want to quit? Too strict? Too tired? Confused? It will be easier to avoid hitting a dead end if you know what warning signs to look for. Come up with a plan to work around those issue(s).
3.) Get excited! So, you may not like healthy foods or working out right from the beginning. Most people don’t. You have to remind yourself that the choices you’re making today will change your life in the future. Keep your focus on the positive, not the negative! Picture this: you’re running on a treadmill and thinking, “I only ran 3 minutes! I want to die! I can’t do this! AHH!” This doesn’t sound very fun, does it? Instead of being negative , think like this: “I can do this! I’M FEARLESS! I will feel amazing after I finish!”
4.) Building blocks! The Great Wall wasn’t built in a day. Neither is a healthy lifestyle, a marathoner, a Doctor, etc. Most challenges in life are a building process and the more you build, the closer you will be towards reaching your ultimate goal. What you can do is build upon each of your successes and bask in the glory of each success, no matter how big or small.
5.) Think small. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment of starting any new and exciting journey, but putting too much on your plate is a recipe for disaster. Make gradual changes to your life. The word “change” makes a lot of people uneasy. It’s because of the fear of the unknown. What if you fail? What if you succeed? What if? What if? What if? It can become daunting after a while. Small changes seem less intimidating and more feasible.

Healthy Company Potatoes
These potatoes are super! I hope you like them!
serves 16 ( 4 points+)
5 lbs. Yukon Gold Potatoes, cubed ( leave skins on)
2 T. butter
1 c. fat-free sour cream
8 oz. reduced fat cream cheese
1 tsp. salt
¼ c. Parmesan cheese, grated
Boil potatoes until tender. Drain and mash with butter, sour cream, cream cheese and salt. Place in a 13 x 9 pan coated with nonstick spray. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and paprika.
Bake at 350, covered, for 25 minutes.
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