Do you have this skill? you want to have this skill? Well, today a customer came into to our shop. She wanted to look at our work area here.(it is no where near perfect) She told me wow you have great organizational skills. "Thank-you" was my confused response. Then she handed me her card......holy crap! What a compliment! If you know me at know I could die now....happy and full filled! My life is complete! OK maybe not. But wow I am thrilled!
Do you posses these skills in weight loss?
Have you noticed that when things are in order at home it’s easier to stay on a healthy diet track? You’re not alone.
Setting a gradual plan for progress can make any big project — cleaning an attic or losing 50 pounds — seem manageable. What does a healthy life look like to you? Make a list of the diet and exercise changes you would like to make. They could include limiting soda intake to no more than three 12-ounce servings per week, working out for 30 minutes three times a week and sticking to 1,600 calories a day. Trying everything at once might be too overwhelming — miss one goal and you might want to throw the whole plan out the window. Instead, tackle just one goal at a time. Limit your soda intake for one to two weeks and then add the next lifestyle change to your actions. Soon, you’ll have implemented all the changes on your list!
Simply being mindful about what you’re about to put into your mouth will help you cut back on extra food and slim down. Craving an ice cream cone while you’re out running errands? Reconsider the choice by thinking through what other treats you have had lately. If you can’t restrain yourself, think about splitting a cup or cone with your shopping partner to reduce your serving size, burning some extra calories later in the day (an extra walk with the dog, perhaps?) or having smaller helpings at dinner.
Reconsider, reduce and restrain” If you’re about to pick up a set of discounted coffee mugs at Target, stop first and think about the purchase. Do you really need them, or do you just want them? Can you do without them? If not, what will you get rid of at home to make room for the mugs? “I say, ‘Let’s start with anything incoming’ — whether it’s food or appointments on their calendar. If you add something, something else has to go.” Want the cupcake? Do you have to have it? What choices can you make later to make up for the splurge: walking an hour in the afternoon or forgoing the bread basket at dinner? Deliberately reconsidering, reducing and restraining takes the impulsivity out of your choices, which generally makes them healthier.
Create a detailed plan of attack to help keep you on course. Organize your home so that everything has a place, and plan your life so that you can give time to the most important things (like healthy eating and exercise). Take the time to think through, plan and prep your meals for a week. Knowing how you’re going to fit in your workouts keeps you from making lame excuses to get out of them. Now you’re organized for success. P.S....pack work out clothes the night before!
Succeeding at organizing and weight loss is about being very purposeful and having a plan and place for everything. Use baskets for items that need an easy-to-access home — like receipts to be logged in a checkbook or school papers to be signed and returned — and calendars to plan for everything from picking up the dry cleaning to working out. Writing down everything that has to be done (not just formal appointments with other people) helps you keep better track of incorporating into your life the tasks that you value (like a workout) but would likely let slide when things get busy. love you all.....el

Brown Soda Bread
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, I thought I would try this brown soda bread. This bread is easy to make and pretty much irresistible to eat!
makes 16 slices ( 3 points+)
2-½ c. white whole wheat flour
½ c. all-purpose flour
½ c. old-fashioned rolled oats
2 T. brown sugar
1 T. wheat germ
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
2 c. low-fat buttermilk
1 egg, lightly beaten
Preheat oven to 325 and spray a 9x5 inch loaf pan with nonstick spray.
Combine the first 8 ingredients in a large bowl ( through salt).
Combine buttermilk with egg. Stir into dry mixture until just blended. Spoon into prepared pan.
Bake for 60-65 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Invert bread onto a wire rack and cool completely.
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