For many goals that we set, the outcome of our hard work alone is the reward for success. But in many instances, we’ve pursued goals, and in the process made difficult trade offs and sacrifices that deserve recognition.
For example, chocolate lovers aiming to reach their goal weight may be intent on significantly reducing their intake of chocolate in the name of overall health and the vision of achieving their goal weight. While you or I may not have a spiritual connection with the cocoa bean, this sacrifice may be significant to the chocolate lover!
Whatever goal we may pursue and however we achieve that accomplishment deserves celebration because in most instances, we’ve made sacrifices, donated time and energy, and produced a result that contributes to our overall happiness.
How should we celebrate?
We each have our own ways of celebrating success or if we lack in ability to relish in success, we’ve seen it in the movies! Here are some concrete ways we can make a lifestyle change to celebrate and recognize accomplishments:
*Reward ourselves: take a day off work, buy a new outfit or book, book a spa treatment, or pop the cork on some champagne
*Scrapbook or journal about the journey: it’s difficult to remember where we’ve been if we haven’t memorialized it. Journal the progress as you work to reach your goal or explore your creative side with a scrapbook page (or five) archiving the incredible achievement
*Share your success: tell a friend, family member or coworker. Sometimes with goals like weight loss or quitting smoking, it can be difficult to reveal intentions to change and the dedication to reach a goal for fear that if we slip up, we appear to fail. For these goals and accomplishements, as well as many others, it can make your heart soar and release a huge burden by publicizing your achievement. Hey, write about it in your blog!

14 Things to Do With... Greek Yogurt
Don't relegate this creamy treat to the breakfast table. Here's a bevy of uses for this delicious and versatile ingredient.
Sure, it’s good as a breakfast food. But Greek yogurt, with more protein and richness than other yogurt varieties, is great for way more than just making a parfait.
1.Add chopped cucumbers, dill and a pinch of salt for a quick Greek tsatziki.
2.Instead of milk or sweetened yogurts, toss some in your smoothie for a thicker texture.
3.Try it as an alternative to heavy cream when making alfredo sauce for pasta.
4.Mix with chocolate syrup for an easy fruit dip for a party platter.
5.Add a pinch of salt for a rich substitute for sour cream.
6.Stir in to a puréed vegetable soup to add thickness and protein.
7.For a simple frozen yogurt, add chopped fruit and sweetener and put it in the freezer.
8.Use it instead of mayo in chicken, tuna and egg salad to drastically cut down on PointsPlus™ values.
9.For a quick dessert, stir in light jam, raspberries, raisins, cinnamon or shredded coconut.
10.Use it as a frosting for cake or cupcakes. Just add vanilla or almond extract and a bit of sweetener.
11.Add spices and a bit of milk for a quick, guilt-free, creamy salad dressing.
12.Try as a pre-grill marinade for chicken or lamb: a bit of yogurt, za’atar, lemon zest, pepper flakes and a pinch of salt.
13.Add horseradish to make a fish or shrimp dip.
14.Mix it with skim milk and use instead of buttermilk for pancakes.