The winter holidays mean family, friends, and sometimes unnecessary weight gain. With a little eggnog there and a missed workout here, beloved winter holidays such as Thanksgiving or Christmas can wreak havoc on your diet and weight loss plan.
Be Prepared to Stay on Your Diet over the Holidays
Delicious delicacies like iced sugar cookies and zesty cheese logs are lurking around every corner waiting to sabotage your diet and ruin your hard earned weight loss. Be prepared to combat these diet saboteurs.
I'm tempted to go off track — just throw up my hands thinking the damage is done. This particularly happens during the holidays: if I pig out at one meal, why not just overeat at the next meal too? Or, after skipping workouts on vacation, it's difficult to motivate myself again.
But remember: just because you give in to temptation once doesn't mean you should give up entirely. In fact, it's even more reason to reset your healthy goals. If you end up eating a Snickers bar for breakfast in a weak moment, don't beat yourself up over it. Just make your next choice a healthy one and go from there. How do you deal with weak moments?

Deviled Eggs recipe - 2 points recipe
Makes 1 serving
1 medium hard boiled egg
1 dash Worcestershire sauce
1/8 teaspoon lime juice
a little lite mayonnaise
salt and pepper, to taste
finely chopped chives, to garnish
1 pinch of sweet curry powder, to garnish
1. Bring the eggs to a boil, simmer for about 10 minutes, then cool under cold water.
2. Peel the eggs and cut them in half, scooping out the yolks.
3. Mix with the lime juice.
4. Add the egg yolks and Worcestershire sauce, mixing well.
5. Add salt and pepper to taste.
6. Stuff the eggs with the mixture.
7. Garnish with a pinch of curry powder and finely chopped chives.
8. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
WW POINTS per serving: 2
Nutritional information per serving: 68 calories, 4.7g fat, 0g fiber
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