Losing weight is difficult for many people, because eating is pleasurable. Celebrating with food is common during holidays and on other occasions. People eat to alleviate stress, to fight boredom, or to stay entertained. Losing weight takes the motivation to overcome these obstacles, and it is easy to lose enthusiasm after a few weeks of dieting --- particularly when you see other people seemingly eating whatever they want.
Post a Picture
Find a picture of yourself at an ideal weight, perhaps in a favorite outfit, and post it where you will see it every day --- on the refrigerator, for example, or at your desk. If you do not have such a photo, ask a friend to take some pictures of you with a digital camera. Upload them to a website that allows you to alter photos ---
Weight loss motivation is all about desire rather than willpower. How much do you want to lose weight? How much more do you want to lose weight than you want to eat fattening food and lay on the sofa watching TV all day? List all your reasons for wanting to lose weight, or stay healthy and slim. Add more reasons to your list as you think of them. Make reading your list the first thing you do in the morning. If you need more ideas, see our report with
Sustain motivation by making getting to your target weight believable. Visualize success. How will you look when you lose weight? How will you feel? What will you be wearing? How will your clothes feel on you? What will people be saying to you? What will you be saying? What will you be doing? Spend 5 minutes a day imagining and enjoying your future success. A great way to while away the time waiting in a line or commuting, not so great for driving though!
Boost your weight loss motivation by promising yourself a treat when you reach your goals. Build in some non-food rewards for every little step you take as well as for major milestones. How about a beauty treatment for each 4lbs lost? Or buy a book by your favorite author and allow yourself time to read in peace (and without guilt) each time you do your full workout. And each time you make a healthy choice rather than an available unhealthy choice (walking instead of taking the car, fresh fruit instead of ice-cream) pat yourself on the back. Tell yourself that you're doing great, because you are!
Take a picture of yourself in your swimsuit or leotard at the start of your program. Each month take another picture wearing the same thing. Feel your weight loss motivation sore as the swimsuit gets baggy while you shrink. A Digital camera is great for taking those pictures you don't want to take to the developers!

Red Beet Salad (Ginas recipes)
Red beets, cilantro, carrots, onion and mayonnaise, a perfect side dish at your next BBQ that goes great with chicken, fish or steak.
Servings: 3 • Serving Size: 1/3rd • Points: 1 ww pt
Calories: 48.4 • Fat: 2.4 g • Protein: 0.8 g • Carb: 6.4 g • Fiber: 1.5 g
2 large beets, washed and stems cut off
1 cup carrots, peeled and cooked
1 tbsp cilantro, chopped
1 tbsp diced onion
2 tbsp light mayonnaise
salt and pepper
Boil beets in water until soft, about 50 min. Peal and cut into 1/2" cubes. Cook carrots until tender, cut into bite size cubes. Combine diced onion, carrots & beets,mayonnaise, cilantro,salt & pepper.
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