Are you like me & and you need to be reminded how important this journey & and I am?
"I list all the reasons I want to lose weight and put them in random places around the house, along with older larger me and thinner pictures of myself."
"It's never too late to be what you might have been"

I have many great sayings I keep posted around the house. They are generally located on the mirrors. I have a mirror in front of the tread mill where I see myself when I working out. I see the process...& the progress!! Its great to see the sweat run! I also have these notes on my bathroom mirror. This is my favorite room in the whole house. It is MY room. I also have notes on the fridge, great place to be reminded of.....where I have been & what I should not open up the fridge to eat! Keep these notes moving from room to room so you don't get "used to" what they say!!

"I list all the reasons I want to lose weight and put them in random places around the house, along with older larger me and thinner pictures of myself."
"It's never too late to be what you might have been"

I have many great sayings I keep posted around the house. They are generally located on the mirrors. I have a mirror in front of the tread mill where I see myself when I working out. I see the process...& the progress!! Its great to see the sweat run! I also have these notes on my bathroom mirror. This is my favorite room in the whole house. It is MY room. I also have notes on the fridge, great place to be reminded of.....where I have been & what I should not open up the fridge to eat! Keep these notes moving from room to room so you don't get "used to" what they say!!

Always remember you are unique and you are important. There is no one else in the world quite like you. You are special. There never has been and there never will be anyone like you again.
Don't let people take away your respect for yourself. No matter what they say or do remember that you are very important and a worthwhile person, and always retain respect for yourself. They cannot take away your self respect and dignity, for you control what you think of yourself and no one else.
You have your own special qualities and talents, and though you may not have the talents and gifts that someone else has, you have your own talents and gifts that others do not have. No one else can be you. Only you can be you. Try to be the best you possible.
Remember also that you are important to other people. You cannot help but touch the lives of other people as you go through life. There are many people who need your love and support, and who look up to you, and want to emulate you. People you may not even be aware of need you, and watch your life, and if you give up and fail yourself, you are failing them and letting them down too
Weight loss specialists will tell you that attitude has a more powerful effect on losing weight than all other factors. The best plan out there won't cut it, if you don't follow it, and that can be a matter of attitude and motivation. Here are some tips to help you change your thinking and acting:
1. Never dwell on "failures." Look at failures honestly, and then tell yourself, "This setback is temporary - here's what I'll do differently next time."
2. Look at setbacks as opportunities. Problems and temporary failures provide a chance to learn how to do it better. Use them as steps towards success.
3. Think in terms of solutions, not problems. "I have such a hard time resisting temptation," becomes, "When have I resisted, and what can I learn from that experience?" Reaching for the convenient junk food isn't a problem, but a lesson: Don't let it be convenient.
4. See success, both your own and other's. Noticing even a little progress reminds you what is possible, and it keeps you motivated. This is a powerful way to stay on track. Little successes give the motivation for bigger ones.
5. Imagine yourself how you want to be. When you see yourself how you want to be repeatedly, this gets your subconscious mind working towards that image. Do this often.
6. Do something now. Action often precedes and stimulates attitude and motivation. Eat some healthy snacks, read a useful article, or get out and take a walk. Do anything, however small, towards your weight loss goals. Momentum is created by taking any step in the right direction.

Penne with Sausage and Roasted Pepper Sauce
Yield: 4 servings
Points: 7
2 cups uncooked penne or other tube-shaped pasta
6 oz 50%-less-fat pork sausage (such as Jimmy Dean)
1 ¼ cups bottled spaghetti sauce
½ cup diced bottled roasted red bell peppers
¾ teaspoon sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
Cook pasta according to package directions, omitting salt and fat. Drain well.
While pasta cooks, cook sausage in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat 6-8 minutes or until brown; stir to crumble. Drain.
Add spaghetti sauce and bell peppers to pan; bring to a boil
Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, 5 minutes or until slightly thick.
Remove from heat; stir in sugar and salt. Cover and let stand 3 minutes. Serve over pasta.
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