Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Living to feel good!

Scientists are learning more and more every day about the link between your mind and your health. Stress, depression, and anger have all been shown to pave the way to illness and disease. On the other hand, if you feel good about yourself, have a positive outlook, and maintain an active involvement in life, you're more likely to be happy -- and healthy.

I love that everything I am doing today is a conscious decision. I am not just living to live anymore. I AM LIVING TO BE THE HEALTHIEST, HAPPIEST, PERSON. I AM LIVING TO FEEL GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! I have waisted 40ish years of my life by not doing this.....I am conscious to what I put in my mouth, on my skin, in my hair......and so on.It feels great when I have a great day of eating & exercise. I KNOW I have made my life better! I know if I would fall back eat a bunch of crap! {sugar~fat}, my body would feel terrible. BUT...I know if I kept it up, those habits...{that are still inside me by the way!!!}would become everyday living, I refuse to have that again!!! Do you hear me!!!!!!!

"There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either IN or you're OUT. There's no such thing as life in-between."


"My best diet strategy is to put my husband on a diet!!!"

"Tell everyone you're on WW and go to meetings and participate. Screw being embarrassed. Embrace that YOU are doing something to be healthier and look better while others continue to talk about it."

"My best strategy for achieving/maintaining a healthy weight for me is to use smaller plates -- my daily plate size is 7 inches across ... I can fill up that plate to overflowing, but still because it is small the portion size isn't too much."

"My best strategy for achieving/maintaining a healthy weight for me is ... taking the decisions out of eating. I make one or two healthy dishes over the weekend and package them in single serving portions. That's what I eat for dinner all week long."

"My best strategy for achieving/maintaining a healthy weight for me is exercise! I exercise one hour 5 days a week."

"My best tip is to get on a body fat scale daily. If I am making progress I see it and am encouraged. If not, I notice and get back on track."

"My best strategy for achieving/maintaining a healthy weight for me is to use the Weight Watchers app on my phone. It's the easiest way for me to make myself keep an accurate log."

"My best strategy for achieving/maintaining a healthy weight for me is to keep that food diary/points faithfully. It's really hard to lie to yourself about how much you've eaten if it's written right there on the page."

"Probably my best tip is when eating out - NEVER have the salad dressing that 'comes with' - I carry fat free in my purse (I don't trust that their idea of "lite" is the same as mine), or I ask for 4 or 5 lemon wedges that I squeeze over the salad. That's surprisingly good!"

"My best strategy for achieving/maintaining a healthy weight for me is ... to plan my meals. I usually shop on Sundays and cut veggies and cook meats for 3 - 4 days worth of meal. I'll freeze what I don't plan to eat in that time so that it can be thawed out when I don't have time to plan/prepare."

This is what I eat EVER single morning. I never get tired of it!!!

Ellen's Omelet {with salsa & pita}

W.W. ~~ 2.5 pts

3 egg whites

2 C. broccoli & cauliflower

1/4 C chopped onions /peppers

3 fresh mushrooms

2 T Weight Watcher shredded cheese


1/2 pita {with truvia sprinkled inside :)}

cook the onion,pepper, cauliflower,broccoli til tender. Add the m.rooms. Cook a few minutes more. Add the egg white. Cook til done. Add cheese. Garnish with salsa! Done!

Yum!!!!! So filling....so yummylicious!

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